I have been diagnosed with GERD and Gastritis and have been taking Nexium and Zantac regularly. I have had an endoscopy in the last 2 years or so and only thing that was noted was some inflammation. I recently (3 weeks ago) started a new diet plan called Transitions that is ba
2014-12-29 09:44:24
I have since seen my specialist and my endoscopy showed all normal results normal mucus and no significant redness or irritation in fact my doctor stated that if I didn't tell him I had reflux he would not know from my edoscopy. I also have recently been diagnosed with anemia hemoglobin was at an 8. I have also had some issues with how my digestive system reacts to some dairy products. I sometimes think there is a piece to the puzzle missing since I have been eating a fairly iron rich diet so I question possible celiac or some type of malabsorption issue. At times my esphagus goes into such intense spasm that the pain is unbearable yet endoscopy was unremarkable.
2014-12-29 09:45:24