
Worried about throat cancer!

Hello I am a 28 year old male and I am concerned about throat cancer. Almost 2 and a half weeks ago I had laid down to take a nap and when I awoke I had weird pain on the left side of my throat when I swallowed. This lasted for about a day and got a lot better but there was still some minor pain every so often when I swallowed. I do have acid reflux and allergies with bad post nasal drip and had a scope about 2 and a half years ago showing some minor irritation around my focal cords. I am supposed to take nexium but have forgottin to quiet abit lately. I went to my doctor and she said she could see the drainage and put me on a zpack. I also should tell you I have OCD and panic over cancer. I have had a constant dry cough for many years and even a touch of asthma but very minor. I waited a week and the symptoms did not go completely away and I had a panic attack and went to ER. They did chest x-ray and CT of my throat and blood work and all was normal. I still have drainage and some noisy breath sounds if I inhale really hard or exhale really hard. Could this be a tumor in my throat causing the breath sounds? Even though the ct was negitive. I did chew snuff but quit and my mouth was checked and was clear. This all happened very quickly within a week. can acid reflux cause this along with post nasal drip? Three doctors told me if I had cancer in my throat the CT would have showed it especially if it was big enough to cause breathing sounds. Please help

2014-12-29 10:28:06




Hi What your doctors saud is right. Severe GERD can cause inflamed vocal cords. Since CT didnot show anything cancer is less likely. Continue taking Nexium.

2014-12-29 10:30:26
