
GERD or something else?

I have what I think is GERD... Every so often maybe once or twice a week I feel "funny" in my chest. It's not my blood pressure or pulse because I measure it and it's normal. SYMPTOMS: (during an episode-not every day): • Chest Pain - in the heart area • Pressure in my chest general area • slight/mild wheezing - almost shortness of breath • palpitations • thirsty • no appetit TRIGGERS • Alcohol • Lack of sleep • Empty Stomach • Food (processed) • Acid Reflux • Night time • Heat • Overeating • Worse right before period • Caffeine • Bloating RELIEF: Immediately loosen clothing (bra pants...) fresh air drink plenty of water preferably with electrolytes drink protein shake or eat carbs (if it's due to lack of eating) and lie down - go to bed! Medicine: I take 40mg Nexium per day and it seemed to help until symptoms started again. So I tried 40mg of prescription Prilosec (omeprazole) (20mg in the AM&PM) gave me a MASSIVE headache in the afternoons. 2 months ago I woke up at 3am and could hardly breath. I had 4 glasses of wine the night before too much chocolate and also potato chips (bad I know...). I woke up my heart was racing and I was lying perfectly horizontal and super thirsty. I also immediately had to go to the bathroom (#2 and #1) and did so for the next 3 hours ever 20 minutes. No diarrhea just normal regular BMs. You could set your clock. After that it was only #1 every 20 minutes for another 4 hours. Does anyone else have any of these symptoms? If so what have you been diagnosed with? Any ideas what I could have? :) Thank you :) Tags: GERD 6 bonion surgery'spitations Chestness in chest pressure in chest frequent bm SHORTNESS OF BREATH thirsty no appetit Nexium prilosec 40mg 20mg to 30mgd pressure Headache empty stomach

2014-12-30 09:29:49




I have very similar symptoms. My heart pounds especially after a big meal. Do you suffer from anxiety? I get really bad anxiety right before period and also suffer from GERD symptoms. I get the chest pain dizzy etc too. I had an EGD done. Do you every get a pain under your left rib?

2014-12-30 09:33:18
