i was in the er 2 times in the past 5 days with abdominal pain. the 1st time they didbloodwork andan ultrasound which allcame back normal. i am about 9 weeks postop for gallbladder removal.they thought there could b a stone left inthe duct but they didnt finsdanything.on christmas day i had SEVERE upper abdominal pain and went to the er again. thist ime they did bloodworkan ekg and a ct scan with some drink i had to have.all came back normal.they gave me 8 gm of morphine for the pain whichdidnt reallywork. upon process of elimination they said i could have an ulcer and h pylori bacteria and they saidi needed to follow up with my gi and have an endoscope. does anyone else have this pain? it is almosta gnawing pain inthe upper part of my stomach.it feels like a HUGE buble in there and almost like a dull pain all the time and then when the pain came i could not breath it was so bad.i am taking CARAFATE and prevacid now for the ulcer. i have no fever norvomiting or diarrhea.
2014-12-30 09:36:03
Hi This could be an ulcer pain or pain due to residual stones in the common bile duct. Upper GI endoscopy may be done to rule out ulcer. Medication like Prilosec may be taken for relief. For residual stones MRCP may be done. Since the pain is gnawing in character it is more likely to be due to ulcer.
2014-12-30 09:36:40