In early october I was suffering from peptic ulcer like symptoms hunger pains upper abdominal burning pains nasuea heartburn and chest pain. After a ER visit I was given prevacid for 30 days and the symptoms resided after about 5 weeks but I was still having symptoms such as heartburn chest pain mild sore throat cough and some abdominal discomfort. Most recently my chest pressure became more constant with pain that seems be under my lower breast bones like a burning feeling. Two days ago I left work early because my chest was hurting bad and went to the ER. My EKG and chest x-ray were normal and I was told the pain came from an internal organ. I had been taking protonix which has helped but not with my chest pain. Is this the sign of GERD?
2015-02-02 03:41:43
Your symptoms are suggestive of GERD.
Continue taking protonix.
In addition certain lifest
2015-02-02 03:42:05