I saw an ENT and the Doctor told me that it was a slight case of acid reflux. He told me to take Prilosec and watch what I eat and when. It's been 4 days now and it has gotten better but not completely. I have been taking 4 1200mg of Omega 3 pills for about 2 years now. I read somewhere that Omega 3 pills can give you acid reflux. I take it right before I goto bed. I wonder if I take it in the morning or even spiltting it up could help. My throat just feels a little aggitated much better than before. Oh also I have been taking Tums before I goto bed seems to help. How long do I need to take the Prilosec before it completely heals my problem?
2015-02-02 03:42:39
Hi If the symptoms are due to acid reflux then you may have to take PPI for about 8 weeks for complete relief. Sometimes you may have to continue taking low dose PPI to keep the symptoms under control.
2015-02-02 03:43:00