I am 46 and have had a haitus hernia for about 7 years. In the last year I have experienced terrible breathing problems the day after consuming alcohol. It feels like my brain signals telling me to breathe have stopped working. I can be walking around the supermarket and suddenly I realise I am not breathing. I then have to make a very conscious effort to start breathing. This also happens all through the night if I consume alcohol. I drift off to sleep only to wake fighting for breathe. I don't know if the brain signals are being slowed down by the alcohol or if the alcohol is causing more acid reflux and the acid is getting into my lungs and causing the breathing problem. I can have only 4 vodkas or a glass of wine for this to happen. I have tried every different alcoholic drink and they all do the same. I worry and panic when this happens incase I just stop breathing and die. I am seeing my GP again tomorrow but I am sure he will just tell me to stop drinking. But why is alcohol affecting me in this way now. He just keeps giving me asthma pumps which do nothing!! Please somebody help and give me some answers.
2015-02-02 03:57:21
Hi Alcohol can cause acid reflux. The symptoms you have may be due to acid reflux. Taking medications like prilosec may provide relief. Sometimes asthma medications can also worsen acid reflux. So I would suggest you to limit alcohol intake and take prilosec for relief.
2015-02-02 03:57:46