I thought I had been having severe ear infections but doctors weren't seeing sign of infection. An ENT referred me to a GI doctor or endoscopy. The endoscopy came back "normal". Can GERD really be the cause of my severe ear pain? It will keep me up at night. It hurts if anyone even touches the outside of the ear. Generally it is only the right ear. Sometimes I will have a mild sore throat along with it. I RARELY ever feel like I have heart burn. Burning in tummy only when eat jalapenos - but thats typicall for most right? MRI did not show evidence of pinched nerve (ordered by ENT)
2015-02-02 04:09:16
Hi Ear symptoms due to GERD are very rare.Since you have pain even if the ear is touched from outside the ear pain is unlikley to be due to GERD. But the sore throat and heartburn can be attributed to GERD.
2015-02-02 04:09:46