
Occasional high BP and heart rate

Recently i experienced high high rate (160) at night. It woke me up from the sleep and i had to rush to ER. The same incident happened 2 or 3 times in a space of 3 weeks. Doctors did 24hr EKG and Echo cardiogram and felt that everything is OK. When i told the primary physician who i touch base after i moved into NJ about my persistent GERD and its being the possible cause for this high BP and heart rate she dismissed it and put me on to a cardiologist who does not see anything wrong with my heart. This high BP and heart rate last for a few hours with no medication and subsides down to normal level and remain so for a couple of days/weeks before another such incident happens. I am to undergo further heart tests. I am 40 hrs old with perfect lipid profile and little elevated blood sugar (A1C 6.3). The lab tests indicate below than normal Vitamin D and Vitamin B12 (probably due to prolong usage of Prevacid/PPI tablets of 2-3 yrs). Would appreciate your inputs and thanks for your time.

2015-02-02 04:11:29




Hi Your primary physician is right. High blood pressure and increased heart rate are not related to GERD. I have heard a few patients complaining of increased heart rate. But there is no relationship between the two.

2015-02-02 04:11:52
