
Trouble with Swollen Tounsils and Throat

For the past 3 months I have been dealing with Acid Reflux from an Ulcer. I have also had very enlarged Tonsils. I've been to the hospital and they ran tests and concluded that it wasn't from Strep or another infection. They prescribed me Prednisone and sent me home. I believe it is all due to my Acid Reflux but I'm not sure. I was in the hospital three days ago I had pressure in the Forehead region and was concerned with the headaches I was having. They did a Cat Scan and told me I had fluid on my left ear drum. They told me to take over the counter decongestants and they would take care of the problem. I havent taken any yet due to the fact that I am a 26 year Old Male with bouts of Atrial Fibrillation. It is triggered by stimulants and I try to avoid them. It isn't chronic and comes and is usually easily converted with medication. But back to my tonsils and throat. I woke up at 4 in the morning due to my Girlfriends bad dream and tried to go back to sleep but found it was a little hard to breath. I notice the tonsils in the back of my mouth they often trigger my gag reflex for no reason and it is constantly making me sick. I haven't been on a regiment of Antacids and have been eating spicy foods and acidic foods. I just want life to go back to normal and I would like a definitive answer on my problem. Thank You for all your help in this matter.

2015-02-02 04:12:37




Hi It could be obstructive sleep apnea or GERD. Take PPI like prilosec.If you find relief then your symptoms are due to GERD.If you dont find relief then consult your doctor to rule out other causes like obstructive sleep apnea.

2015-02-02 04:13:02
