I am a 24 year old male and am fairly active(sports-wise.)I am experiencing pain/discomfort on the left side of chest about 3 inches above the left the nipple about a few of inches towards the center about an inch and half across from the esophagus) is where i can pinpoint the exact location. On most days i feel fine but some days the discomfort comes and i usually feel nauseated for a few minutes mostly hours and it makes it difficult to sleep eatand to talk and exercise. When i try to talk and/or exercise it leaves me with shortness of breath but it is not too bad. When i do sleep i usually sleep on my right side but sometimes I shift to my left and when laying on that side i can feel the discomfort in the area and it seems to worsen to the to the point where i feel extremely nauseous and I feel like I am about to vomit; most times i end up burping which temporarily relieves it when i eventually pass out i wake up sometimes i and get dry heaves and on a few rare occasions i have vomited(although its mostly clear liquid).This also happens when I am sitting down sometimes and as i mentioned burping seem to alleviate it for a few moments but then it comes back and i feel like i want to vomit. I had seen a doctor about this problem and was diagnosed with Chondritisbut i think it may be something else(i would've went in for a follow up but i have just recently moved so at the moment i am looking for a new doctor.) Right now I am just seeing if there is anyone out there that may possibly know what might be happening with me. I am not sure if these symptoms can be brought on by stress or it may be possible that i have GERD(i burp alot and occasionally a little bit of food/acid come up)? Just trying to get some advice/feedback while i look for a doctor. Thanks for any help that you guys can give me.
2015-02-02 04:20:01
Hi Your symptoms are very typical of GERD. Take PPI like Prilosec for relief.
2015-02-02 04:20:23