I have a 5 weeks old baby that is being bottle fed. He has had a lot of trouble with gas and burping and so we have changed his formula to the fussiness and gas. We've been told to use Mylicon and Gripe Water and it either doesn't help or it makes it worse. We try to burp him at least 5 times during the his feeding but that doesn't seem to help either. While feeding him today he would eat and we'd try to burp him but when he sits up he screams. Is there anything we can do to help get the gas out? Could he have some other problem? Gastritis? Colic? Any response would be appreciated. Sincerely Desperate mother Is your child male or female? : Male What is your child's age? : 5 weeks What is your child's height? : 21 inches What is your child's weight (kgs or lbs) : 9.5 lbs
2014-10-31 10:56:04
He may be colic which male infants are more incline to have. Some tips that may help: The feeding position is important and should be almost a sitting up position when feeding him. Burp him well. Never lay him down on his back right after eating and wait ½ hour to 1 hour after feeding because the acid from the stomach may go into the esophagus and causes pain. Raise the head of his crib to a 45-degree angle too so he are not flat on his back. Feeding him 5-6+ times day may help. Feeding that way keeps the stomach acid constant which may help he grows and weight increases at a steady pace. Suggest returning to the MD if he continues to have gas and possibly discuss medication therapy. Thank you for your question.
2014-10-31 10:56:45