
will insurance cover learning disability testing

I am not sure what is wrong with me. Some have suggested dyslexia aspbergers and add. What I do know is that I have a horrible working memory. I am 37 years old and my life is a train wreck. I work a dead end job working for a huge multi conglomerate corp who demands perfection. I am barely keeping my head above water (like most of my jobs). I currently don't have insurance (have been putting off buying it because I barely make 20k a year). Just wondering if insurance will cover some kind of testing?

2015-02-03 03:51:07




Dear lostone37 In the United States psychological assessment is typically covered under the medical coverage of the insurance plan when referred by a physician. Psychological assessment is usually covered if testing was conducted to establish a diagnosis as the basis for medical treatment to evaluate the functional impact of a medical treatment or to assist in selecting a treatment. Yet you should certainly use due diligence when purchasing an insurance coverage. In Canada many employment-related group health insurance plans offer coverage for psychological assessment and treatment. They are also covered by the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB). Regarding working memory I would recommend trying computer based training. In my practice I use Cogmed training for children and adults with ADHD and LD and while the training is very demanding the improvements in working memory and attention are quite impressive. Unfortunately Cogmed training is fairly expensive so you may want to try cheaper alternatives. You may not get the same level of improvement as with Cogmed but it will still be helpful. Kind Regards

2015-02-03 03:51:31
