New here my 3 year old has been seeing early intervention team reports say his cognitive is 59-69 fine motor skills is low average 40.speech and languageis at low average selfcare skills low average.sensory processing is a concern .diagnosis borderline-mild learning difficulties. Reconmendations is speech and language therapy ang seeing social worker for behaviour.what advice do you have
2015-02-03 05:11:39
It is not possible to provide specific recommendations without knowing full details of your child's assessment. These numbers could be the percentiles the standard scores or something else... Besides I am not sure what tests were used by your psychologist to assess cognitive ability in 3 year old child. I completely agree with Dr. Resnik's answer to your previous message that it is the responsibility of your psychologist to help you understand your child's needs and explain the results of your child's assessment. Kind Regards
2015-02-03 05:12:08