Hi my 12 year old son has had special educational needs since he was 5 years old.he is just about to start secondary school and he still cannot read or spell he gets very frustrated about thisand starts calling himself stupid and then runs off crying.he also hits out at his brothers and sisters.He finds it hard to follow a 2 part instruction and forgets what he has to dothe school has just told me he is doing well but he will fall behind at senior schoolhe won't have friendsas this is to much for him to deal with.(his words).he also writes his words back to front and mixes them up like LOTS is LOST he is a fantastic artist and fab at sport but he is now getting very anxious about school and his temper is getting worse can anyone suggest any ideas to help my son.we all work as a family unit trying to help one another but a little extra advice will be good thank-you
2015-02-03 05:51:13
Hello it sounds like your son is understandably frustrated and that he needs some help coping with his disability. I am not surprised that he is anxious and angry however this does not mean you have to tolerate his behavior. I would strongly recommend you meet with a psychologist who specializes in adolescents (at this age a male might be your best choice). Psychologists regularly help adolescents learn to cope with their anxiety and moods. Psychologists also help parents learn how to effectively manage behavior. I recommend seeing a psychologist first instead of a counselor because further testing may be indicated to determine if the school is meeting his needs adequately. Psychologists do both testing and therapy. Your pediatrician can refer you to a professional who will meet your needs. Best Wishes
2015-02-03 05:52:06