My daughter read as usual if not ahead when i last saw her at age 12. Now she has returned at age 16 and has severe reading difficulties. She says she has a diagnosis of Irlen Syndrome but I cannot find reference to this as an acquired illness/disability and she had no issues up to age 12. She had good spatial/mobility awareness and was able to read comfortably and well for an easy half hour at a time at an appropriate 12 year old level. She says she had an accident that resulted in sand in hers eyes which was rinsed and then she was sent back to class. Is it possible for injury to cause Irlens and is it possible fo laser to correct the injury (described as scratches)? Thanks for any help
2015-02-05 10:20:28
Hello I agree that it you are wise to wonder what exactly is happening with your daughter. 'Irlen' syndrome refers to visual sensitivity associated with sensory processing disorders (specifically autism). Some people with learning disabilities and autistic spectrum disorders believe that their visual processing difficulties/discomforts are helped by special 'Irlen glasses' that serve as filters. While some individuals have reported gaining benefit from these glasses independent research has not established them as an effective treatment. 'Irlen Syndrome' is not a formally recognized diagnosis by mainstream medical associations such as the American Academy of Pediatrics. I would first seek a medical evaluation for your daughter to determine if her vision is within normal limits and if she has indeed sustained an injury to her eyes. If there is no medical reason for the decline in reading performance relative to same aged peers then ask for a referral to a psychologist neuropsychologist or doctor of education to have a comprehensive assessment. A decline in reading performance after such a long period of proficiency is very unusual and should be addressed. Best Wishes
2015-02-05 10:21:01