I am 21 year old male from Europe and since 2 years I have had problems. I weigh 60KG and height is 179/180cm. I came back from vacation in Thailand and got fever feeling for 2 weeks. Since then I have chronic blocked nose now runny nose troubling swallowing and lump in throat feeling. I experience that my limbs go numb very easily if I sit in a certain position if I lean on my elbow for example for hand might feel numb or when I sit my butt becomes numb. This is way worse than before. Furthermore I feel a like ''needles pricking me'' this feels often painful and also lately feels warm. This I notice multiple times a minute. I also have a lot of broken blood vessels red dots one mm width. Sunlight/light has gotten more and more painful than before Wounds are also healing slower. Furthermore I often feel burning feeling in stomach and bowels and I have had a long time where my poop was very soft/diarrhea . I often feel a ''shooting'' pain which I think are near or from the area of my lymphnodes especially in my head (some are swollen to>one CM but do not hurt when I touch). The pain is from the back of my head/near ear and comes from deeper than just the surface (occipital lymphnode area) I don't feel any swollen things there but there is where I often have a shooting pains for few seconds and it really feels bad that I can't ignore it while I get it I get this every few days . Other shooting pain is come for below the outer side of my jaw (cervical lymphnode area). http://medical.cdn.patient.co.uk/images/142.gif
2015-02-05 11:08:46
You seem to be having a variety of problems but they may have a single cause behind that. The symptoms could be due to compression of multiple spinal nerves Vit B12 deficiency vitamin D deficiency anemia vaso-vagal attack low testosterone lupus and other autoimmune disorders heavy me
2015-02-05 11:09:14