I am a 80 year old retired OB-GYN Physician with a fairly long history of a clear watery discharge almost always From the left nostril. Occasionally gushing to my upper lip and chin and will frequently soak several tissues daily. I must always have tissues available and sometimes cupped in my left hand. I do have a history of a left orbital (blow-out fracture) in 1953 and a long history of aching discomfort Over the left suborbital (maxillary) sinus with several left maxillary sinusitis which almost always responded to Antibiotics (Amoxicillin). Another important part of my history is that I have been known to have PARKINSON'S DISEASE for two years which is Currently pretty well controlled. I am on several medications including sinamet. I would really appreciate your help in this matter. Thanks very much V. Gene Rufi MD 606 S. Catherine Lane Meridian Idaho 83642.
2015-02-05 11:18:02
Hi Doc! Since you are a physician yourself you probably already know that profuse watery nasal discharge is seen in conditions like allergic rhinitis infective rhinitis viral infection rhinitis medicamentosa (inflammation of the nasal mucous membrane due to application of topical nasal sprays ointments and drops) or due to vasomotor rhinitis (in response to dry air). Since you have a long standing history of discharge bacterial infection is probably ruled out. However other conditions mentioned above would need to be seriously considered. You may need a battery of allergy tests to rule out allergic rhinitis. If he air around where you live is dry or you live in a centrally heated/air-conditioned building then vasomotor rhinitis is a possibility too. Keeping a trough of water in the room or using a humidifier may help. You can also use saline drops when you are out or breathe through a thin wet cloth kept over the nose. Another possibility is CSF leak (rhinorrhea) due to orbital blow out fracture. However this is pretty unlikely given the long standing history of rhinorrhea that you have. As a rare case if there is a small hole or break in meninges then probably the repeated antibiotic administration may be healing the hole on and off and stopping the CSF leak. However I do not think it is very likely. You may consult an ENT specialist to rule out this possibility. I sincerely hope you will find this information useful in finding the cause of nasal discharge. Get well soon Doctor! Good Luck and take care!
2015-02-05 11:18:30