Wondering about intercrainial pressure and possible brain hernia and how they show themselves. So I was diagnosed with non Hodgkin's lymphoma 4 years ago it was on the watch and wait in the beginning and I didn't want to so traditional treatment (go ahead with the nay Sayers) but that's what I decided to do. Well fast forward 4 years later I am afraid that I need to start treatment but it might be too late. I am afraid it has went to my brain for the past 2 months I've had intense pressure in my head only when I lay down on the side I'm laying on. If I switch sides then the pressure goes away. Move to the other side pressure comes back like from the inside like there are actually tumors in my head. I know you can't feel tumors buy i swear i do when i'm laying or slmetimes feels lile marbles in other areas. I just feel the pressure. I am afraid this NHL has turned into cns lymphoma. I am now afraid that I am going to have a brain herniation if this is the case. Am I totally off ba
2015-02-05 11:19:25
If a wait and watch policy was adopted then probably you have a follicular or a slow growing B-cell lymphoma. Usually this would not me
2015-02-05 11:20:00