I got ill in August with what came about as a summer cold or flu. November. A doozy of what seemed like the flu. I have never been the same. After getting sick for about a week I started to feel better & proceeded to do a Christmas project the first week in December. The project required me to squat down to do some spray painting...
When I stood up both my legs hurt so bad as if I literally just worked out for two consecutive hours non
2015-02-05 11:42:10
Hi! I can understand your worries regarding your symptoms as they are obviously severe enough to hamper your daily work. Given your medical history and the symptoms you have mentioned there is a chance that you have compression of the spinal nerves in the cervical and lumbo-sacral spine region. This can happen due to overuse of computers work involving straining of neck and back herniated disc canal stenosis bone disease spondylosis poor posture etc. The symptoms could be pain numbness heaviness tingling etc along the compressed nerves. A MRI of the cervical and lumbo-scaral spine and nerve conduction studies may be required. The treatment is to remove the compression. You have to discuss the best treatment option with a neurologist which can range from medication to steroid injections to physiotherapy to traction especially designed corsets or even surgery. Alternatively you can visit a chiropractor or a physical therapist and learn some exercises which you can do to relieve the compression but consulting a neurologist is a must. The other possibility is that you are suffering from an autoimmune disorder (either lupus or connective tissue disorder or something similar affecting nerves and joints). This would require a detailed ANA panel rheumatoid factor and other tests. The symptoms can also be due to over exertion of muscles tear in muscles of thigh (less likely) or due to arthritis of joints. Since you feel unwell on and off possibilities such as infectious nucleosis ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) MS (multiple sclerosis) and viral infection should be seriously considered. A comprehensive investigation is required keeping all the points in mind. Please discuss all these possibilities with your doctor. I sincerely hope you will find this information useful in your journey towards better health. Hope you get well soon! Good Luck and take care!
2015-02-05 11:42:37