for the past 2 months I've experienced odd twitching and pain in my right leg. It started as twitching in my right calf that would only occur when I was sitting. Drinking coffee usually aggregated this. I have general anxiety disorder so I just chalked this up to anxiety and caffeine. Over the next couple weeks this kept occurring with twitching occurring some in my thigh and ankle. During this same time I began experiencing a dull ache in my butt calf and knee area. This ache has persisted and now runs all the way down the back of my leg. I get a burning sensation in my calf sometimes which also corresponds with the ache in my butt. I have some pain in my lower back and believe this may be related to posture and sitting for long periods. I'm 32 6ft 215 male and in otherwise good health. I workout regularly and try to eat healthy. I only notice these aches and twitching while seated or laying down. I'm flat footed and have been told I have a straight spine. I haven't noticed any weakness or muscle loss other than my knee cap seeming looser which is also odd. I'm due to get an emg and nerve conductivity test soon to get a better grasp on what's going on. This would seem to be consistent with piriformis or sciatic problems but the twitching is what gets my attention.
2015-02-05 12:52:45
I do appreciate your apprehensions regarding your symptoms. On net it is very difficult to assess the cause but I am glad you are undergoing the EMG/NCV test. This would assist in diagnosis. However entirely ba
2015-02-05 12:53:27