Hello I am a 34 year old female in overall good general health. I have had some alarming symptoms of my eyes and muscles recently. In April 2013 I noticed that when I am tired at the end of the day I would get double vision and drooping of my eyelids. Eyelid drooping was not permanent and when I closed my eyes for a few seconds and opened them again it would go away. The double vision happened when I was looking at something far away. This scenario happened on a few occasions but was not an every day thing. I noticed it happening mainly around the time of my menstrual cycle. Now August 2013 I am noticing less double vision but more eyelid drooping when tired. I will be looking at something and after some time my right eyelid starts to just droop. If I close my eyes or look down it seems to get better. My right eye feels a little heavy compared to my left eye too. What could this be? Everything I see online seems to point to Brain tumor aneurism (aneurysm) Myasthenia Gravis or MS. Any insight would be appreciated.
2015-02-05 04:05:02
Hi! I can understand your concerns. Usually ocular myasthenia gravis causes drooping of both eyelids. The same is true for migraine. Since you have this problem in one eye only these conditions are more or less ruled out. Age related changes can occur in one or both eyes. Some people have a droopy look which becomes pronounced in one or both eyes when they are ill or tired. Other than this it can be a nerve injury. Trauma to eye lid wearing contact lenses for a long time Horner’s syndrome stye and other tumors in the eyelid can cause a droopy look of the eye. Brain tumor is another possibility but usually it causes a number of symptoms other than just droopy eyelid. A comprehensive investigation is required keeping all the points in mind. Please consult your doctor regarding this. I sincerely hope you will find this information useful in your journey towards better health. Hope you get well soon! Good Luck and take care!
2015-02-05 04:05:37