I am a 45 yo woman who must use a forearm crutch to walk due to a severely unstable ankle but I find myself almost constantly losing my balance to the right as if my world tilts to the left and my body is trying to compensate even with the forearm crutch. Then not too long ago I discovered that while I can stand still with my eyes open without losing balance if I close my eyes at all I will almost immediately fall forward or to either side. This is causing considerable issues since I close my eyes and use breathing exercises to deal with the ankle pain when I have to walk more than 50 feet. Any help in explaining what might be leading to this and if I should seek the help of a Neurologist in this matter would be helpful. Thank you
2015-02-05 04:07:06
Hi! If you are unsteady with eyes closed then this is called as positive Romberg’s test. However whether it is really a positive Romberg’s test or not can be determined by a neurologist. The test comes positive in people who are intoxicated with alcohol have vitamin B 12 deficiency have peripheral neuropathy due to diabetes hypothyroidism Lyme’s lupus have neurosyphilis or Friedreich's Ataxia. Please discuss with your doctor to see whether you need to be investigated for these or the unsteadiness is due to ankle problem. I sincerely hope you will find this information useful in your journey towards better health. Hope you get well soon! Good Luck and take care!
2015-02-05 04:08:51