
MRI Results

Hello I had a MRI scan on the 22/04/13 due to chronic headaches over the last few months. I have a history of psoriatic arthritis cervical spondylosis and osteoarthritis of left hip since 2006. The scan results state multiple demyelinating plaques of ms are noted in bilateral periventricular and pericallosal regions arranged perpendicularly to the ventricular axis. A few of the lesions are also noted in the corpus callosum. My question is could this be a strong indication of MS in your opinion. I had a lumber puncture a few weeks ago and waiting to go back to see the neurologist for results. This waiting is driving me nuts. I have got to the stage now when I hope that it is MS rather than some other condition that could pose more of a problem. The neurologist at my hospital is a locum so not even sure if I will see the same one. I Just want some answers and consistency of care. I do have a lot of symptoms that fit with ms. Is it also possible that I may have been given the wrong diagnosis of psoriatic arthritis? Thank you Noreen

2015-02-05 04:53:57




Yes waiting for the results of a test for MS can be really stressful. The diagnosis of MS is based on several factors such as signs and symptoms (not distinctive of MS but patients usually have neurological signs and symptoms) MRI findings (may not always be positive) and findings of lumbar puncture. Diagnosis of MS is complicated as no single diagnostic test is confirmatory. However more than 90 percent people are diagnosed based on MRI only which shows multiple demyelinating plaques. The number of plaques increases with MS flare. Neurological examinations reveal weakness and other signs. Evoked potential tests are done to diagnose nerve weakness. Lumbar puncture or spinal tap is also confirmatory for MS in 80-85% of the patients showing signs of chronic inflammation and oligoclonal bands. So if MRI is positive for MS then there is a chance you have MS. The diagnosis will be more certain once the lumbar puncture results are available. Please discuss with your doctor. I sincerely hope you will find this information useful in your journey towards better health. Hope you get well soon! Good Luck and take care!

2015-02-05 04:54:25

malaysia A