In Jan. 1998 60.lbs. of steel fell 16ft. and hit me on the head. I wasn't knocked out but everything went grey and my vision closed in for a few seconds. It took about 3 mos. to clear the cobwebs and I found myself more than once at the back of the mill looking for my job. I had suspicions something wasn't right but didn't pay attention. In Dec. 2008 I had a C4-C5-C6 fusion done. They removed 2 discs replaced them with me
2015-02-05 05:24:07
Dear dangerousdave Thanks for posting your query. I will try to provide you with maximum information and recommendations regarding the symptoms you are experiencing. Regarding the headaches that you are experiencing I think this is most likely a Chronic Tension type headache. Though exact reason for these kind of headaches is not known probably it is due to a heightened sensitivity to pain in certain people. Potential triggers for headache include - Stress Depression and anxiety poor posture Working in awkward positions or holding on in one position for a long time and jaw clenching. A variety of medications are available to stop or reduce the pain. Tricyclic antidepressants like (amitriptyline) can be used to prevent headaches. Regarding the pain in the right arm I think it to be related to the injury to nerve which exits from the neck and supplies the right arm. This can be controlled with the use of amitriptyline again. Regarding the numbness of right side of the face and neck I again think it is due to the involvement of the cervical nerves which supply it and are probably injured due to the complications of the CSF leak. Though most of the time they recover over a period of 6 months to 1 years without any intervention. Regarding the CSF leak I think it was a temporary problem after surgery and is no more a problem once it has stopped. It will not produce any added problems to you in the future. I am sorry you are dealing with this frustrating concern and I hope you can find yourself in better health soon with the help of your GP and get started on the medications for the headache. I hope you find this reply to be helpful and informative. If you have any additional concerns I would be happy to address them. Hope that this information helps and hope that you will get better soon. Thank you for using MedHelp's "Ask an Expert" Service where we feature some of world's renowned medical experts in their fields. Millions have benefitted from our service to get personalized advice for them and for their loved ones. Best Regards
2015-02-05 05:24:40