47yo female. For about 2 years on an infrequent basis but occuring twice in the last month i've had pain in the right temple that is almost always accompanied by skin tenderness in the surrounding area. All around the temple area halfway up my forehead and down my face by my ear and in the scalp area. The pain can sometimes be a very sharp pressure that feels like it pulses. Sometimes the pain is more dull very muted but in both situations the surrounding skin tenderness is there. It has an underlying feeling of warmth. The episode before my current one I noticed a new symptom. I awoke with a slightly swollen area on the face by my ear and when I would shut my jaw clamp down or eat something it would bother me in my ear and temple area. My roommate noticed the swelling. This pain and swelling went away gradually over the course of the day. I've thought it could be temporal arteritis but the onset of this is more common in people a bit older than myself I believe. Another thing i'd like to mention is that 2-1/2 years ago I took a bad fall off a bicycle. I was wearing a helmet but the fall happened rapidly I hit my knees first and the last thing to hit the pavement was my head and it was very forceful. Could this possibly be TA or something else that I would need to be seen urgently for?
2015-02-05 05:31:46
Dear Friend Well it needs to be investigated first before ariving at a diagnosis confirmation. As per your post it doesn't appears to be present at this time. So i presume that the issue is resolved as so is the swelling. However it's good to have a basic blood workup done in order to rule our inflamatory / infective cause of this issue. Post the blood report value evaluation we shall decide the further course of action. Regards.
2015-02-05 05:32:21