
Baby wont eat

My Baby was. Born with slight tongue tie and the pedia already cut a portion of it when he was just 5 days old to address the problem.. Pedia said that he is fine now but ever since he was 1 month old feeding him has been a great problem.. He used to vomit after eating so i switched to giving him lactose free formula bec he seemed to have too much gas in his tummy. Until he was on his 3rd month I switched back to regular formula because he refuses to drink milk maybe bcause he didnt like the taste of lactse free anymore and it went well for him til his 4 th month . He seemed stucked to 3 oz of milk for the last 3 mos and now that he just turned 5 mos feeding him became a BIG problem for me.. He prefer to suck his 2 fingers when he is hungry rather than drink milk. Only when he is into deep sleep will i be able to feed him . He used to be on ave weight but has been losing weight now for the last 2 weeks because of his hunger strike. Is there any other possible reason for his unusual behavior? He is not yet teething now could it be acid reflux? Is your child male or female? : Male What is your child's age? : 5 mos What is your child's height? : 72cm What is your child's weight (kgs or lbs) : 7.5kg

2014-10-31 02:24:09




Please see your other question that you posted. Thank you

2014-10-31 02:25:35
