Hi My sisters boyfriend (20 years old) has been at the hospital since 25 november. The 25 november he had high fever and pain in (behind) his eyes - No other signs of flu. He fainted with cramps at our house and has not been conscious since then. The doctors has found out that he has Meningo Encefalitis and they are treating him for that. But he do not seem to get better and they think it is a virus or bacteria they cannot find in addition to this. He still gets epileptic cramps if he does not get medicines for that but they are trying to reduce this medicines since his blood pressure is low and therefore he has a high pressure in the brainstem. He is in artificial coma and narcosis. His kidneys has trouble because of all the medicines. They take CT to control the high pressure in the brainstem and they will take MR tomorrow. Additional information: In september 2010 he had Comotio Cerebri (or brain concussion) He probably had Mononucleosis in may without knowing so he is been drinking alcohol etc while he was sick. Since then he has been to the doctors many times because he felt tired and has not felt well in general. He probably has an infection somewhere that they can not find virus or bacteria. He is treated by neurologists but since they cannot figure it out you may have some suggestions on what to look for now? Maybe some tests to take or some other suggestions or hypothesis on what could be wrong? Thanks
2015-02-05 05:45:58
Dear Friend How is the present condition? Is he out of Coma? Please update so that i can opine further.
2015-02-05 05:46:20