Hi. I was curious about symptoms of a spinal cord tumor and I am afraid I have them. I have been having bad back pain in the middle of the night that wakes me up and it hurts to turn over. I have it when I first wake up and then it goes away. I only feel it in the day if I stretch my back. I read online that this is the number one symptom of a spinal cord tumor. This has been going on for two months and I haven't done any activity to strain it. My pscyhiatrist althought he is not a neurologist said a tumor would be painless. So at this point I don't know who to believe and I would like your thoughts. Also I haven't expereinced any other symptoms such as numbness etc. Thanks.
2015-02-05 05:51:52
Dear Friend Please don't real general online stuffs. Am happy that you have brought your concern. The best way is to do a full spine screening and if any abnormality is detected then the concerned radiologists would go for further detailed examination of this screening. Till that time don't think about any tumor as am not suspecting the same. Loss of appetite loss of muscle power increasing numbness etc are the few concerns which i was expecting in this post which could had taken my thinking towards the etiology of the tumor. But presently i am not suspecting anything. Lets discuss post MRI scan. Regards
2015-02-05 05:52:26