Hi there for about the last 8 weeks I have been having headaches everyday and also experiencing a feeling of sudden numbness that comes on really fast and hard. I compare it to the feeling of when your leg goes numb and you try to walk on it. It's a scary feeling and it happened while driving the other day and almost had to have my daughter take the wheel. Then again tonight at dinner. In the beginning they were happening more but smaller feeling. Now they are happening further apart but last for about 10-15 seconds and if I'm not holding onto something I feel like I could fall. Tonight I closed my eyes and couldn't tell if the room was spinning but when I was driving and it happened everything kinda 'shifted.' I don't think it's vertigo as I had that before and this is a total different sensation. I'm not on any medications. I used to be on Effexor three years ago but have been off completely since then. When I got off the Effexor I had 'brain zaps' and this is not like those either. This is like a complete 'numbing' sensation that washes over the top of my head and lasts (intensifies) and then washes away like a wave. I have no insurance. Thanks for any help you can give. I'm afraid of a brain aneurysm.
2015-02-05 05:56:09
Dear Friend
As per your desc
2015-02-05 05:56:37