
I think I have MSA

I am 44 year old female dx with POTS on 2005 due to positive tilt table. In 2008 POTS worsened and I could not work. At that time I began to have tremors facsiculationsdropping everythingnight sweats tripping neuropathy in feet muscle weaknesss etc. In 2010 I was dx with ataxia and tested for MS.all test were fine except CSF showed very high in some type of protein and very low glucose. I have been told by neurologist and PCP that this is related to POTS. I am very ill and progressing rapidly. I became so confused recently that I briefly did recognize my family. I also have emotional lability which has only developed in the last 6 months. I should also mention that I have had resurring Ramsay Hunt since 2006 at least twice each year. I have a positive ANA. My doctor is urging me to go to MAYO which I would like to avoid. Please advise Thanks Tags: MSA

2015-02-05 05:57:11




Dear Friend Please go to MAYO clinic. It's highly recommended as the treating doctor has requested for the same. Hence please follow the requirement. Please discuss also once your Mayo clinic visit is over. Regards

2015-02-05 05:57:35

malaysia A