
Ovarian cyst(s) do they spread?

Hi all health professionals. My girlfriend was suffering from abdominal pain since few weeks. We my girlfriend and I thought it to be the general gynec problem. The day before yesterday she started having severe abdominal pain and had puked a dozen times as of which I admitted her to a hospital. It was diagnosed as a problem related to the appendix based on the symptoms and doctor prescribed my girlfriend with pain reliefs. However just the last night since she couldn't bear the pain any further I rushed her back to the hospital and the surgeon started appendicitis correction procedure and was surprised to see that her right ovary was infected/contaminated and was bulged. The doctor recommended and proceeded with immediate removal of her right ovary for her safety. And now she is in the hospital recovering from the surgery. Now since I am worried about my girlfriend's health I would like to know 1. Whether there would be any Life Threat for her? 2. What are the Disadvantages of getting an ovary removed (oophorectomy)? 3. How safe is her Other ovary from a condition of this kind (poly-cystic/ bulged-up)? 4. Are there any chances that the condition would SPREAD to/arise in the other ovary? Dear medical professionals please report to my queries coz its important for me to know all keep my girlfriend safe and sound. Thanks.

2015-02-09 03:08:30




I'm very sorry to hear about your girlfriend. It sounds like you both have had a tough few days but it sounds like she was treated well. If the ovary was found to be a problem and possibly even with an infection then it was the right thing for the surgeon to go ahead with removal. Her other ovary is likely to be fine in the future and she will be able to have children in the future even with one ovary and she will not go through menopause early. I'm not sure what you mean by 'spread' to the other ovary if she had an infection or a large cyst that needed to be removed it is unlikely to spread to her other ovary however this may simply need to be watched closely in the future. If you are still in the hospital with your girlfriend it is just important that you write all your questions down so when her physician comes in to see her then you both have questions ready to ask and i'm sure her provider will take the time to explain things now that she is recovering. Good luck and take care.

2015-02-09 03:18:40
