
laparoscopy pain after 7 months

Hi I had a laparoscopy d&c tubal and ovary removed 7 months ago. For the most part I feel normal other than these sudden sharp pains I get randomly. I feel as if I'm getting stabbed on the right side of my lower abdomen. This month I've felt the stabbing about 4 times a week which is more than in the past months. Does anyone else have this problem?

2015-02-09 03:23:49




It is not uncommon to have occasional discomfort after surgery. And often women can sometimes feel their ovulation pain but it could also be more muscle bowel or other pain too. If you haven't seen your gynecologist since your surgery then it wouldn't be a bad idea to check in with her or him to review these things and be sure. Good luck to you.

2015-02-09 03:24:13
