4 months ago dr detected an ovarian cyst during routine pelvic exam; went for sono and cyst showed up (1.9 cm) and said by dr to be "likely a functional" cyst. My ovary measured 3.3 x 2.1 x 1.8 cm. No free fluid present in the cul-de-sac (what does that mean?). Dr wanted the sono repeated in 4 months - went last week. Now my ovary enlarged 5.7 x 2.5 x 3.1 cm and several cysts present throughout the ovary measuring between 1 & 2 cm. Additionally a complex cyst found 3.2 x 2.4 x 1.6 cm. The report says the cyst (I guess meaning the largest one) "may be functional; neoplasm not entirely excluded". I saw my gyno today and he says it should be watched but at this point he is not ready to do surgery. He wants to try BC pills to see if it shrinks then reevaluate in 3 months and go from there. He doesn't think this is a cancer but admits we don't know for sure. I've had a hysterectomy and kept one ovary (about 10 years ago). I'm 49 years old. Of course I'm going to worry now. Anyone have any opinions or advice or knowledge you can lend? Thanks!
2015-02-09 03:25:50
This does seem like it would be worrisome especially if you were just in to see your doctor for a routine exam! It is very common to have ovarian cysts and even more complex-appearing ones--as the cyst will tend to collapse upon itself even when a woman is 49. I think you have a good plan to try the BC pills to see if helpful and then go from there. If you pain in the interim then often this can be removed through less invasive surgical means and then you go home the same day but if you were considering surgery it may mean that your remaining ovary may need to be removed. Definitely continue to follow with your provider to be sure. good luck.
2015-02-09 03:26:17