I am scheduled for a laparoscopic oophorectomy this coming Friday. I went for my pre-op blood tests today and noticed on the way there that the doctor's requisition included HCG along with the typical CBC stuff.
Doing a quick search I see that HCG is usually drawn as a pregnancy test and for some types of tumors and cancers.
I am 6 years postmenopausal and a CA125 test two weeks ago was normal. In fact she recommended that I do the wait and see approach on the 4 cm complex cyst so she didn't seem worried about it being cancer. Unfortunately the pain was the deciding factor in having it removed now. She believes it is twisting on itself.
2015-02-09 03:35:39
olive 2015/2/9 15:35:51 This is not uncommon to order a beta hcg for preop labs on any woman--often it can be part of an order set. but this can also be a tumor marker as well and if negtive that is good news. it definitely sounds like this should be removed so sounds like you are in great hands. good luck.
2015-02-09 03:36:26