Hi I am not a medical professional but do need some opinions or advice. I am 32 and for the last 3 years I have had extream bleeding to the point I had to have at least 2 blood transfusions and my Hemoglobin has been staying under 7 or 8. I have no medical insurance or anything. I take iron tablets and b12 daily. Two years ago I had extreme pain in my left side where my overy is.I wnt to the ER and it was the size of an orange and they just sent me home with no referal. After a few months I felt like I was kicked in my side by a horse. Literally felt bruised inside from my from side all the way through to my buttocks. But I just sucked it up. THe anemia is getting so bad I cannt do anything and it is giving me extrem mood swings. Crying sad happy emotional. I also started having extreme gerd or acid reflux symptoms that are very extream in the same period. I figured it is cause the anemia. I had 1 year ago a pap that was normal and 2 months ago a byopsy of my uterus that was normal. The docotr wants to do a hytorectomy ----but not take out the ovaries. Right now I have no way to pay for surgery. I also have ovarian and breast cancer run in my family. And I am 32 in the last three years I have gained 100 pounds now I am at 300. I feel like an old lady and like I am dying. When I have gone to the ER they do not do anything. I live in Florida I do not know what is the best thing for me to do. I cant work because of this issue as well as I cant stand up long or walk with out almost passing out. What should I do should I be concerned? I am currently taking Pregesteron 10mg per day...it took 1 month before it made me stop bleeding. PLease advice....
2015-02-09 03:41:12
I'm sorry for all your troubles it sounds like you have definitely gone through a lot and have more to go through. It does sound your bleeding is very concerning and tough to control. However it is good news if your biopsy and pap smear were normal so it seems this is unlikely something worrisome like a cancer. If you are done having children or if do not want children and you continue to have this severe bleeding and large uterus then often a hysterectomy is recommended. Young women can keep their ovaries so they don't go through menopause sooner. Even if you don't have insurance you should be able to sign up for Florida medicaid or a low cost insurance. Another recommendation is to be seen at a university health or academic medical center or medical school such as university of florida or university of miami depending upon where you live and they can likely give you better options about further treatment and help with financial issues. Good luck to you.
2015-02-09 03:41:38