
Ovarian cyst

I am 71 years old had an internal US 9 months ago that revealed a 2cm cyst on right ovary. Had a repeat US after 3 months with no change. A 3rd US 6 months later shows the cyst size to have increased "slightly". My gyn is not concerned but should I be in view of my age? What are the chances it could be malignant?

2015-02-09 03:42:33




I understand this is likely very concerning and worrisome. If your ovarian cyst is simple and overall small it is ok to have this watched and less likely to be malignant. However if you are having pain or if the cyst looks other than simple or if it is slowly increasing in size over time then often they are removed. After menopause if a woman has an ovarian cyst then it is often recommended she have both ovaries and fallopian tubes removed to be sure there is no cancer and to be sure this doesn't recur but often this can be a minimally invasive same day procedure. Second opinions never hurt anyone and can be very helpful. Good luck.

2015-02-09 03:43:00
