
Ultrasounds: Pelvic Infection history of ovarian cysts

Can a pelvic ultrasound miss a ruptured cyst that may have happened 3-4 weeks earlier and that may have cause a pelvic infection? I had a dermoid removed 2005 right ovary multiple cysts left ovary 2007 and 4/19/2012 gyno said left ovary felt full but pelvic ultrasound showed nothing remarkable

2015-02-09 05:21:23




Yes it can. I had a cyst rupture less than a week ago. All the ultrasound was able to see is fluid still in my abdomen. If you have reabsorbed the ruptured fluid then there would be no free physiological fluid to see. On the upside...If you had fluid from infection would be shown as pathialogical fluid.(spelling). The other thing I was made aware of today is that my labs came back showing no elevated white blood cells... I have low blood lymphocytes and high blood protein. So If my pain doesn't resolve in 48 hours I will have to have a cancer screening as well as another lab workup to rule out pelvic infection Make sure to get labs drawn to rule out other causes of your abdominal pain. Keep an eye out for fever diarrhea bleeding etc. and if you have any doubts...go to the E.R.

2015-02-09 05:21:47
