Two months ago I had a laparotomy and drainage of abscess because I experienced a severe lower abdominal pain and was diagnosed to have an ovarian cyst and an infection (possibly PID). During that time the doctors told me I was 4 weeks pregnant (unplanned). The pregnancy was thought to be ectopic but was found out to be normal. A month after that they have arranged a surgical abortion and it went well. After the surgery I recovered well and felt normal. Now it has been a month after the abortion and I did a pregnancy test which turned out negative. Everything was normal and I now am sexually active. However a week ago I noticed that my lower right abdomen is moderately painful when passing urine or opening bowel. Please could you let me know the possible reasons for that?
2015-02-09 05:44:18
It is likely that this pain is from where you are healing from your original surgery (laparotomy) but I would recommend you make an appointment with your gynecologist for exam/evaluation.
2015-02-09 05:44:54