I recently visited my gynecologist because of severe lower abdominal pain. He did a pap that visit and noticed my pain was across both sides of my abdominal area and I had some discharge he thought I had an infection and prescribed an antibiotic. I came in a week later for a vaginal u/s and he showed me my left ovary that it was a little polycystic and then he tried for the right side and wasn't able to see that ovary at all. This side caused major pain while trying to locate it. So he tells me he thinks there's more than just PCOS going on and wants to a laparoscopy and see what's going on. He said he may have to remove my right ovary and check my appendix (wasn't sure about that but he's the doctor). Anyhow my main concern on my first visit was my chance of having ovarian cancer because I was having the pain in my lower abdomen and pain in my lower back frequent need to urinate (and hardly nothing comes out but my bladder feels like it's gonna explode) fatigue all the time. Although I have no problem eating I guess everyone's symptoms are different. I have had PCOS for 17 years and have had no children plus I am very overweight. I feel that my risks are extremely high but my doctor tells me I am to young for ovarian cancer...what do you think???
2015-02-09 05:50:31
I would recommend repeating PUS or obtaining pelvic MRI to get further information. As above could also just go straight to surgery as then you will know 100%.
2015-02-09 05:50:53