
Ovarian cyst leg cramps nausea abdominal pain whats wrong?

I am a 21 year old female. I had sex for the first time a month and a half ago. (protected) Soon afterwards I got a yeast infection during my period that I treated with equate's miconazole. It went away in About a week. Had constipation took something so i eventually went to the bathroom. Then I began to experience abdominal pain (more unusual than painful ... But still painful). So about 2 days later I began to feel a cramp on my upper thigh so that same day I went to the hospital. They did a ct scan and an ultrasound they said I had a ruptured ovarian cyst. The doctor just told me to take medicine for it. The leg cramps got worse and were scaring me so I went back to the same Hospital 3 days later they said it may have to do with the ruptured cyst but when they checked my urine they said I may have an UTI coming on. So they gave me medicine for UTI. They sent me to the GYN who gave me birth control in order to stop ovulation which could irritate the rupture. Soon after that I began to feel nausea dizziness and chest pains as well as brown vaginal discharge. So I woke up the next morning or so and I vomited. I went to another hospital where they treated me and they said they couldn't find anything wrong so the just replaced my UTI medicine with levaquin (250mg 6 days in). They sent me back home that night and the next morning they told me to come back because the ct scan they did there found that I had a swollen/enlarged liver and a little fluid around my heart. I came back the doctor said he couldn't find the problem so he sent me home and told me to see my doctor. She told me to discontinue the birth control. My doctor couldn't come up with anything so shes running more tests. Right now I feel a burning chest pain below by right breast also on the left side of my chest and in my mid back on my left side still dizziness a bit of pressure behind my left eye and nausea still leg cramps/pain upper back pain.This has been going on for over two weeks. I'm Really worried. What could be wrong with me?

2015-02-09 05:53:19




Not sure what all of this is caused by. I would recommend calling your primary doctor and being seen again.

2015-02-09 05:53:44
