Hello I am 25 years old and HIV positive since Aug 2012. The infection has been detected during the first weeks of a primary infection. I had flu like symptoms for almost a month and had other symptoms as well. My first test results were: CD4+ slightly above 800 and viral load above 1000000 after two months (in late October) CD4+ decreased to 570 and viral load is still stubbornly high at 760000. I feel quite good sometimes I have a soar throat and the lymph nodes are still swallen (only on my neck though it does not hurt). I would like to know whether I should start with the treatment already or wait? What are the pros and cons of starting the therapy now? Do you think that such a high level of the viral load after 3 months after infection could mean the infection will progress faster or? My doctor told me there is actually no consensus whether to start the therapy once infection is detected during this first stage. Thank you for your answer in advance!
2015-02-16 05:21:49
Welcome to this newly established forum. Thanks for your question. I'm sorry to hear of your new HIV infection -- but glad to hear you are under care and seem to have an ob
2015-02-16 05:22:15