
Possible exposure and Acute HIV symptoms 1 week later

Possible exposure and Acute HIV symptoms 1 week later

2015-02-16 05:31:46




I think you will be fine and I do not think you have HIV acute symptoms. It is very likely that you have a strep throat or possibly infection with something like gonorrhoea in the throat. The possibilities of you acquiring HIV from the male are:- 1) absolutely zero if he was HIV negative which is likely 2) between 0 and 0.04% if he was positive and had ejaculated in your mouth which you say did not occur. The figures 0 to 0.04% are to many clinicians minds extremely pessimistic and most of us would put the chances with ejaculation into the mouth at less than 1 in 10000 The possiblity of acquiring it from the female are zero since nothing happened.

2015-02-16 05:32:09
