
Anxious... hiv... please help

Dear Doctor I am 32male. I had protected sex with Chinese MP/escort girl 4 weeks and 4 days ago. She pulled the condom on my dick using her mouth sucked for 2min softly didn’t feel any teeth so probably it didn’t damage the condom. I noticed strange things when started having vaginal sex – I found a piece of folded paper towel in her underwear.Later I noticed that she had some white discharge. Sex was hurting her. She told me that this is because my dick’s length but I don’t think so. She didn’t allow me to touch her ****. I came into the condom after20min. Then I found the condom slightly red with some whitish discharge on it–I guess it was menstrual blood. Seeing the blood I started to remove it carefully drying my dick in parallel. Then I went to bathroom washed it with shampoo then pulled the skin back and rinsed from inside. Everything was fine until 4 days ago. No STD sign. 4 days ago after 4th week I felt a sharp pain under my hand at night trying to turn on my hand. At the morning I found one big and one small bump in armpit. It was not close to my chest upper. It was hurting and was hard to move my hand. I had burning pain touching to my skin I felt like there is a scratch after shaving my armpit. However I hadn’t shaved it. Ball was about 4-5mm and another was close much smaller. My towel is pretty rough and it may also be because of it. The ball was not very hard and not soft I felt it kind of contacting to my skin from inside and was moving with it. I also found my skin a litle red around it. I pulled several hair on that and found the roots black. Hair from other areas had white root. Small bump disappeared after 2nd day. 3rd day the big one became a little bigger but stopped hurting from afternoon. Today is 4th day and I see it became much smaller – it is not hurting. I feel anxious paranoid. want to know what is the risk of this encounterspecifically for getting HIV or Syphilis do I need to go for testing? Thank you

2015-02-16 05:32:40




Hello I can't see any route of infection here - I certainly can't see how your collection of aches and pains can be related to this encounter. Menstrual blood is red. You describe white discharge which you say is menstrual blood so I can't really understand that. The fact is that you had protected sex and so will not have HIV or an STD as a result. you should relax about this

2015-02-16 05:33:52
