Hello Doc I am sorry i have contacted you once before and still need your reassurance on the few questions below. I am having a sever stress in my life due to possible exposure for HIV in Africa and want to be on the maximum reassurance side and need your help and guidance It seems that i have over anxiety but it is a sensitive subject and i m sure you had this before. To start with and in short i had exposure with one condom broken anal situation with a man (unknown status) in sub Sahara Africa and few other xposure with csw of unknown status where i am not sure of the condom status (not properly used and in 2 occasions it was inside when i pul. out. Since this day i have done 2 pcr @ 23 and 39 days (was sent to lab in ZA) 1 p24 @ 23 days 2 anti body second generation @ 23 and 39 days (in Tanzania) 1 Rapid test (in Canada 3rd generation) @ 87 days. My Question; Why does people recommend the six months tests what is the story of immune diffecency and how would i know if i had one? how bad it would affect my results i am still having soare throat and stomack egg (with diariah) the last 2 months i m literally like a spong catching runny noise and soare troat ears pain etc.... is that a sign of anxiety sever stress or immune deficiency? what are the test needed for this immune deficeny? Here in Tanzania (as i returned to resume my duty they offer me to do another PCR just to reconfirm but though to ask you about the best approach to put this in bed and avoid this 97 % story for people with detected anti body @ 12 weeks should i wait for the six month mark for the anti body or just a final round of testing with PCR and Anti body now ? I appreciate your time and i do not mind to travel to the UK or a recommended consultant from ZA who you can trust to get a conclusive results (100% sure). Sorry again but need your advise.
2015-02-16 05:48:38
Hello Why does people recommend the six months tests i have practised throughout the entire hIV epidemic from the early 80's onwards until now. In the very beginning we didn't have tests at all and we relied on symptoms to diagnose this strange new lethal condition of AIDS. Then gradually we developed 1st then 2nd then 3rd and now 4th generation HIV tests along with PCR tests. The result was improving accuracy with each generation test. I assume that the 6th month testing people are simply out of date or poorly educated. what is the story of immune diffecency and how would i know if i had one? how bad it would affect my results irrelevant i am still having soare throat and stomack egg (with diariah) the last 2 months i m literally like a spong catching runny noise and soare troat ears pain etc.... is that a sign of anxiety sever stress or immune deficiency? what are the test needed for this immune deficeny? no idea but not HIV Here in Tanzania (as i returned to resume my duty they offer me to do another PCR just to reconfirm but though to ask you about the best approach to put this in bed and avoid this 97 % story for people with detected anti body @ 12 weeks if you have a modern 3rd generation test at 6 weeks post exposure or a modern 4th generation HIV test at 4 week s the this is certain. I'm afraid I do not know what there is available in tanzania. should i wait for the six month mark for the anti body or just a final round of testing with PCR and Anti body now ? I appreciate your time and i do not mind to travel to the UK or a recommended consultant from ZA who you can trust to get a conclusive results (100% sure). Sorry again but need your advise. A modern 3rd generation test will give you certainty at 6 weeks or a 4th generation will give you certainty at 4 weeks. i can't comment on what you have available in Tanzania just what we have and do in the UK. Kind regards
2015-02-16 05:49:05