
not eating

Hi My daughter just turned 18 months always ate her dinners and snacked lots during the day. She had an ear infection and high fever 2 weeks ago which she never ate much and her eating is still slow. Dr said she's underweight and to give milk at every meal which fills her up more to not eat. She will have cheerios in morning then milk (6-8 oz) then goldfish crackers kolbossa cheese and grapes 3 hour later before nap with juice (grape juice) then raisins and a drink of milk after nap maybe some crackers and 3 hours later is dinner she may take 1-2 bites then not eat the rest (esp pasta which she loved before) shakes her head and clenched teeth. I leave it out so she can ask for it but never does after and just has a glass of milk with dinner (pediasure) and regarding milk before bed. I'm worried because they say she is underweight but she's so active and busy and happy. Only thing is her poop is harder not as soft and every 2- 2 1/2 days. Is this normal? Should I worry more? My nurse at the drop office is rude and nasty with me (because I'm a young mom). Tags: not eating daughter Is your child male or female? : Female What is your child's age? : 18 months What is your child's height? : 29.5 inch What is your child's weight (kgs or lbs) : 20 lbs

2014-10-31 04:05:48




From your measurements her weight is just below the 5th percentile and her height is on the 5th percentile for her age which indicates she is underweight. I agree with your Doctor however suggest giving Pediasure in place of milk at all meals/snacks. You can add ice cream to make milkshakes for extra calories and protein. So if she is not eating the food then she will have the Pediasure milkshakes to give her the needed calories and protein for her to gain weight and grow. Here are some more tips for additional calories: You stated she likes pasta then add cheese sauces to the pasta instead of plain tomato sauce or plain pasta. Add cheese to vegetables if she eats them. Add dry milk to oatmeal mashed potatoes gravies creamed vegetables and creamed soups (add additional protein sources to soups such as meat). Add beans to rice instead plain rice for additional protein. You can also make yogurt smoothies with fruit - yogurt banana or strawberries (or any type fruit) frozen fruit blended together which has extra calories and protein. Hoped this helped you.

2014-10-31 04:06:34
