
HIV Doubts to Dr Hook

Respectable Edward W Hook MD I read many posts here your answered which are helpful to me I am a gay in Asian it is a high infected group. I am scared of one thing happened to me one week ago. I met a gay from internet and did mutual masturbation deep kiss fondled body and penis-penis rub no intercourse. I have some questions to ask whether I am at risk for hiv. 1.When deeply kissed I had gum disease and he was bleeding . 2. We did mutual masturbation. My finger cut touched his blood and semon on his penis. 3. He gave me a masturbation his hand with a common bleeding cut and semon touched my penis small wounds(the wounds abraded by his hands) . 4.He sucked my balls and penis his tooth was a little bleeding and my penis had small wounds abraded by his hands. 5. He rubbed his penis on my penis both of our penises had wounds and secretions abraded by each other’s hand the wounds contacted . Are these cases put me at risk? Thanks..

2015-04-03 01:40:20




Welcome to the forum. Thanks for your question. Dr. Hook and I take questions interchangeably without regard to specific requests. You got me. Having been close colleagues who have both taught and learned from each other for 30 years our opinions and advice are always more or less identical even if our writing styles are different. You are indeed a member of a very high risk group; gay men in many parts of Asia have high HIV rates. However it seems you are pretty careful about safe sex. You didn't have anal sex which accounts for almost all sexual HIV transmissions between men. Fingering mutual masturbation (even with cuts or nicks on the hands) body rubbing kissing and mouth contact with any and all body parts carries no risk. Even oral sex is risk free or at least such low risk you need not worry about it. My advice is that in addition to adhering to very safe practices as you did with your recent partner you also ask all prospective partners about their HIV status and tell them your own. This is easy on the internet; research shows that most people seeking partner on line give pretty reliable notice of their HIV status. You can then decline to participate with partners who are infected (and not on effective treatment) don't know or seem evasive about it. As for the specific sexual practices you describe every one was risk free even if your partner had HIV. On the basis of this particular exposure you don't need to be HIV tested. Of course all sexually active men who have sex with men (and not mutually monogamous) should have routine HIV and STD testing from time to time like every few months or once a year. If you haven't been tested recently you might wish to do it now when it's on your mind. But not because of the sexual exposures described above.

2015-04-03 01:40:48
