Hello doctor I am a male who had sex with another male and I was the bottom partner and we did use condoms but one condom failed so I immediately got scared and got tested for hiv and all stds. I began having symptoms about 2 days after the incident such as stomach rumble and headache and I also had a loss of appetite. These symptoms have been going on for about 5-6 weeks already. I recieved a negative result on the 4th generation duo ab/ab at 3 weeks and also a negative result on the same test at about 45 days. I wanted to move on with my life but yesterday I started having night sweats which has me terrified doctor. What do you think of my negative results as I have heard that the duo test is conclusive at 4 weeks and I took it at 3 weeks and 6 weeks. Should I test again because of the night sweats that I am having?
2015-04-03 02:00:15
Welcome to the forum. I'm sorry you're having such a difficult time in understanding believing and accepting the accurate replies you had on the community forum. The HIV blood tests are probably the most accurate diagnostic tests ever developed for any medical condition. As long as testing is done sufficiently long after the last possible exposure (for the duo test any time more than 4 weeks as you already seem to know) the results overrule all other considerations. No matter how high your risk might have seemed at the time and no matter what symptoms there are the test results rule. Your results -- multiple times -- prove that you do not have HIV. And your symptoms really are not particularly suspicious for HIV anyway. I'm not sure what sort of "night sweats" you have had but true night sweats are the result of high fever suddenly going away during the night. If you're not having fever during the day you're not having true night sweats. And even if you were night sweats can occur with any condition that causes fever -- i.e. hundreds of medical problems in addition to HIV. So you can be sure you don't have HIV. You don't need any more tests. If you're not under a doctor's care to figure out the cause of your symptoms I would recommend you make an appointment for professional evaluation. Whatever the explanation though it is not HIV and probably nas nothing to do at all with your sexual exposure a efew weeks ago. I hope this has helped. Happy holidays
2015-04-03 02:01:38