
Hiv antibodies in person with advanced stage AIDS???

Doctor I'm not sure if you've been asked this before but is it possible that in a person with Aids or a person with an advanced stage of Aids would stop making hiv antibodies? Do people with hiv show hiv antibodies for the rest of there life even in the terminal stage of aids? And is it possible that someone could catch the hiv virus and in 3 years develop aids in an advanced stage if that person where unaware that they where hiv possitive and where not receiving treatment for hiv? Or does anyone with hiv always test positive for hiv antibodies even if they had developed an advanced stage of aids? I've seen on the internet that sometimes people with aids test negative for hiv antibodies.

2015-04-03 02:10:48




It is true that "sometimes people with aids test negative for hiv antibodies". But it is exceedingly rare probably less than 1 in 1000 infected persons. And as your question suggests it is seen primarily in people with advanced AIDS i.e. sick enough to be near death. Had those people been tested earlier most would have had postive blood tests earlier in their illnesses. It is uncommon for overt AIDS to develop as early as 3 years after infection. No matter when that happens it is almost impossible for someone who looks and feels well to have such advance HIV disease. Anybody with such advanced infection will have had many health problems which would have led to the diagnosis of AIDS. In other words if you feel basically healthy and your HIV test is negative you can be 100% certain you are not infected.

2015-04-03 02:11:19
