
Questions on repeating OraQuick Rapid HIV Test

Hi I had one instance of unprotected sex with a Canadien female on the night of 2/19 and did a OraQuick Rapid HIV Test on 3/22 which was thankfully negative. According to previous posts a negative test at this time point (about 4.5 weeks) typically picks up 90% of new infections. My question is: if I were to get restested now (about 8 weeks after the incident) do I need to get retested again at 3 months as per the CDC recommendation? I am hearing many conflicting reports about this. Thanks...

2015-04-03 02:17:52




Welcome to the Forum. this is one of the few instances in which Dr. Handsfield and I both disagree with the information that is provide on the STD Community site by Teak and his colleagues. They are providing the "official" CDC answer to this question. An 8 week test should be considered definitive. I will paste an excerpt from an earlier response to another client which I hope will be helpful. "The traditional and most widely used tests for HIV are tests for antibodies to HIV which are available both as so-called "rapid" or point of care tests which can be done in the clinic and laboratory based antibody tests. For all practical purposes both of these types of test perform comparably and provide accurate information on the presence or absence of HIV infection in virtually everyone at 8 weeks following exposure. The recommendations for testing at 3 and even 6 months are the result of two factors- data from older tests no longer used (you really do not need to worry about which generation of tests you were tested with at this time virtually all tests are far more sensitive that they were even 2-3 years ago when the 3 month recommendation was made) and secondly the fact that some mostly governmental agencies which have to provide recommendations for virtually everyone without the sort of interactions such as those you get with your doctor or on personalized sites such as this one feel the cannot "afford" to be wrong and therefore make recommendations and guidelines which leave most people unnecessarily nervous for 4-6 weeks longer than the 6-8 weeks it takes virtually everyone to develop HIV antibodies." Neither I nor any of my colleagues has had or is aware of any person who has had a positive test for HIV develop after the passage of 8 weeks unless they had been taking anti-HIV therapy in an unsuccessful effort to prevent infection. For you particularly after a single exposure to a partner who is statistically unlikely to be infected an 8 week test should be considered definitive and does not need to be repeated.

2015-04-03 02:18:24
